Every small and large organization use computer network to share their resources. The
size of network is increasing day by day. They are connecting their network to the public
network such as Internet.A network has been designed that represents a real time
environment of an organization. The organization has been subdivided into different
departments by implementing VLANs for proper management. Also these different
departments can communicate with each other using Inter VLAN Routing for controlled
flow of information. An ISP environment has been created using NBMA frame relay to
control traffic. Redistribution of routing protocols is being used for better routing OSPF
protocols. PRAN RFL GROUP company whose have main 7 branches and 7 sub
branches in Bangladesh. In future this company will increase their sub benches. 7
divisions have 7 main branches and 7 districts have 7 sub branches in Bangladesh.
Every main branches have Admin VLAN and sub branches have MKT and SALES
VLAN. Main and sub branches VLAN will increases day by day. For intercommunicating all VLAN, we use inter-VLAN Routing with OSPF Routing protocol. First, in this project we configure 7 main branches and also 7 sub branches. Second, we create VLAN all main branches and sub branches. Third, we configure OSPF in all main branches Router and sub branches Layer-3 switch. Finally, we configure inter-VLAN Routing in all main and configure.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh