EWU Institutional Repository

Browsing Thesis 2017 by Issue Date

Browsing Thesis 2017 by Issue Date

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  • Reza, Shyama; Fatematuzzohara, Mst.; Khadiza, Eseta Jahan (East West University, 2017-12-19)
    In LTE (Long Term Evolution) a user has the provision of use of dissimilar bandwidth. Hence the traffic model of such network is different compared to previous generations. In this project work, we have provided a new ...
  • Uddin, Md. Ashab; Siddique, Md. Shafiul Alam (East West University, 2017-12-19)
    In this project we developed a medical treatment in Bangladesh which is highly useful for any Medical. As modern civilization requires digitalization, as a result the need of application is increasing everywhere, it was ...
  • Afroz, Sabiha; Sarker, Md. Fazlay Rabbi; Adnan, Md. Mahdy (East West University, 2017-12-20)
    In this research, National health services server in Bangladesh is developed, which is highly useful for us as well all over the world. As a modern civilization requires digitalization, as a result the need of application ...
  • Khatun, Eliza; Era, Sohifa Binte Masud (East West University, 4/25/2017)
    Wireless mobile communication is key factor the next generation communication systems. But it faces several impairments in transmission such as attenuation, fading, distortion and absorption. Path loss is happened due to ...
  • Hasanuzzaman; Sadab, Al Mesba (East West University, 4/27/2017)
    This report presents a details overview in developing a client-server based chat application using socket programming. The application is developed using Java programing. The primary objective of this report is to present ...
  • Mim, Habiba Azrin; Meem, Sazrin Alam (East West University, 9/17/2017)
    A house rent database management system is designed and implemented to reduce the difficulties & sufferings of home-seekers in Dhaka. The new system provides easy access to user-registration, home-booking, and confirmation ...

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