The wireless networks are described by a complete range task arrangement. Here, a method named
MCES is utilized. MCES gives a structure to researching answer for essential action. It is a
technique for joining data as showed by their hugeness in settling on a given decision. In the
MCES procedure, six criterion. The criterion are channel idle probability, PU & SU arrival rate,
achievable channel bandwidth, channel holding time, reliability. We have expressed the
standardization of criterion. We consider historical sensing data to compute the channel idle
probability by using the instantaneous PU behavior. SINR is a sum used to give theoretical
extreme points of control on alter constrain in cognitive radio wireless networks. The derivation of
PU and SU arrival rates needs to analyze the channel usage pattern for all users in the network. We
have used rank order method to regulate the weights. Channel ranking computation is shown to
rank channels. Channel selection is represented by the MC-DCA at each SU algorithm. We have
exposed impacts of varying PU & SU density. We have utilized our proposal through numerical
and in addition test computation. Simulation results demonstrates that our approach can give
better execution contrasted to multivariable algorithm for dynamic channel selection in cognitive
radio networks.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.