EWU Institutional Repository

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Recent Submissions

  • Aunjum, Md. Tanvir; Hasan, Md.Nazmul; Rahman, Md. Jahidur (East West University, 2018-09-18)
    Design and implementation of automatic gene regulatory network are essential to construct and analyze the complex biological system. The recent study shows that Darwinian evolution can gradually develop higher topological ...
  • Islam, Md. Imamul; Barua, Shuvo; Islam, Md. Ariful (East West University, 2018-04-01)
    In this study, we have implemented Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with Certification Authority (CA) that will issue and verify the digital certificate of any entity or vehicle in a Vehicular Ad-hoc network (VANET). After ...
  • Islam, Md. Imranul; Binti, Umme KulSum; Kuddus, Md. Abdul (East West University, 2017-04-23)
    DNA sequencing is the process of determining the sequence of nucleotide bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine) in a piece of DNA that is represented as A, G, C and T respectively. Today, with the right equipment ...
  • Memi, Afsana Azad; Sultana, Nasrin; Tabassum, Kanij (East West University, 2018-09-17)
    Unethical use of formalin, in the preservation of food items posing threat to public health. Without chemical experts accurately Formalin detection is a time consuming and complicated task. Moreover, the presence of naturally ...
  • asnem, Kazi Nuzhat T; Ahmed, Tazin (East West University, 2018-05-05)
    There is different types of methods that can recognize the facial expression but none of them were able to generate the accurate result due to the lack of generalizability. This field has a huge possibilities and can ...
  • Tithi, Sharmin Sulatana Sattar; Hasan, Md. Mehedy; Hoque, Monica (East West University, 2018-09-22)
    In WSNs, majority of the channel allocation mechanisms considered energy efficiency as the many objective and assumed data traffic with similar priority. However, the introduction of image and video sensors demands certain ...
  • Hosen, Md. Solaiman; Mahmud, Hasan (East West University, 2018-05-05)
    During the recent decade, rapid advancements in healthcare services and low cost wireless communication have greatly assisted in coping with the problem of fewer medical facilities. The main purpose of this research work ...
  • Islam, Md. Iearul; Zaman, Hanufa (East West University, 2016-01-21)
    The concept of a software product line (SPL) is to promise about approaching for increasing planned reusability in industry. Feature models are enable for planning and strategic decisions both in architectural and in ...
  • Peu, Sharmin Sultana; Roy, Rajashree (East West University, 2018-04-21)
    Protein structure and sequence analysis is an important and essential problem. Now machine learning techniques have been widely used in bioinformatics. In this research we analyze the protein of structure and sequence ...
  • Saha, Birat; Rasel, Md. Fahim Shahrier; Shakib, Syed Nazmus (East West University, 2018-04-21)
    Products with new features need to be introduced on the market in a prompt step and organizations need to speed up their development process. Reuse has been suggested as asolution, but to achieve effective reuse within ...
  • Jahan, Ifrat; Rahman, Md. Lizur (East West University, 2018-05-10)
    The amount of brain tumor patients are increasing indescribably in the recent years and it has become a dangerous problem. For both men and women, brain tumor placed in 10th position of the leading cause of death. If it ...
  • Lima, Mehebuba Naorin; Amin, Md. Faizul Ibne; Binte, Sumaiya (East West University, 2018-05-06)
    Underwater wireless sensor Networks(UWSNs) are usually deployed over a large sea area and the nodes are usually floating, due to their special environment. This results in a lower beacon node distribution density, a long ...
  • Sarkar, Saikat Kumar (2017-08-08)
    Object tracking systems plays a vital role in monitoring and surveillance systems. The main target of location tracking systems is to provide object locations at real time with exact accuracy using personalized setup and ...
  • Al-Faruk, MD. Obaidullah; Hussain, K.M. Akib; Shahriar, MD. Adnan (East West University, 2018-05-07)
    Mining data from text is often becomes a crucial part of data mining tasks. With the growing tendency of using cloud and sharing more and more les over the internet, the necessity of applying a string matching algorithm ...
  • Nur, Yeasin Muhammad (East West University, 2016-02-01)
    Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location. In most ...
  • Das, Nayan; Hasan, Kazi Md. Jamil (East West University, 2018-04-22)
    \Facial expression recognition has many implications nowadays. But due to lack of performance, human computer interaction is not a pleasurable experience yet. In this paper we have proposed a better version of the LDP ...
  • Hosna, Asmaul; Sazzad, Nasim Ahmed (East West University, 4/22/2018)
    In breast cancer field early detection of breast cancer can provide potential advantages in the treatment of this diseases .Data mining algorithm can provide a great assistance in prediction of early age breast cancer that ...
  • Kabir, Kazi Hasibul; Sultana, Sharmin; Aqib, Md. Zahiruddin (East West University, 4/24/2018)
    Agriculture activities monitoring is important to ensure food security. Remote sensing plays a signi cant role for large scale continuous monitoring of cultivation activities. Time series remote sensing data were used ...
  • nahar, Nazmoon; Zerin, Nazia; Rahman, Afsana (East West University, 9/23/2018)
    GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is functioned extensively around the whole world for many distinct purposes. At first it was infrastructure for the intention of military function. Nowadays, it also has been used ...
  • Jahan, Nusrat; Fariha, Umme Salma; Ananna, Mus ka Rahman (East West University, 9/23/2018)
    Mind swing is a very common problem during pregnancy. But in the poor country like Bangladesh where 38% women and her family never seek for any sort of help during pregnancy, even they don't aware about this complication ...

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