In our thesis we tried to classify food images using convolutional neural network.
Convolutional neural network extracts spatial features from images so it is very e cient
to use convolutional neural network for image clasi cation problem. Recently people
are sharing food images in social media and writing review on food. So there is a lot of
food image but some image may not be labeled. It will be very helpful for restaurants
if they can advertise their food to those people who is looking similar kind of foods
they o er. Food classi cation system can help social media platform to identify food.
Food classi cation system can enable an opportunity for social media platform to o er
advertisement service for restaurants and beverage companies to their targeted users.
It will be nancially bene cial for both social media platform and beverage companies.
Food classi cation is very di cult task because there is high variance in same category
of food images. We developed a convolutional neural network model to classify food
images in food-11 dataset. We also used transfer learning technique using Inception V3.
This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering of East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh